Aug 17, 2007


Thanks for you various thoughts: helpful if I actually wrote bloke sometimes; hhn is dead because Madame B is on holiday; recipes etc.

But I don't have a heck of a lot to contribute at the moment. Busy working on a campaign I may have mentioned a while back. Finished writing mrs househusbandnot's website for her. Been to see Prince. Going to see him again thanks to cool birthday present of ticket from one of my sisters. Having a few people over for my birthday next weekend. Started new diet. Going for a drink with some of mrs hhn's mates this evening. Going to see the in laws for the is hardly earth shattering stuff people. Just like anyone else's London summer really, with a bit more sweat and a bit more note taking.

I have thoughts. Thoughts about why the hell would the Government Of Venezuela is sponsoring a Mayor of London poster for half price fares for pensioners. Thoughts about learning to play I Believe In Miracles on the guitar. Thoughts about the diet bread aka death bread that mrs hhn is making me eat on the diet. (And cravings - real cravings - for diet coke which I am not allowed on the diet.) Thoughts on my hair. Thoughts on the Indian food which I am planning on cooking for my birthday party. Thoughts on the various websites I am working on. Thoughts about going to a complete stranger's house last night to interview her son for a possible radio broadcast. Thoughts on whether or not I NEED an Xbox in my life. Thoughts about mrs hhn, and how sweet she looked this morning as she left for work. Thoughts about how cold the swimming pool was this morning. Thoughts on my next column for that American website I write for. Thoughts on my great unwritten novel. Thoughts on my two mates in California, and how cool it would be to be going over their place this evening for a couple of bottles of Zin. Thoughts on that new tv show Heroes (which rocks, although it is being a bit Lost-like leaving you a cliff edge at the end of every episode). Thoughts on getting old thanks to that bad leg thing I had in Portugal. Thoughts on whether or not to do an evening class in something in September. Thoughts on goats cheese (can't make up my mind about it though). Thoughts on global warming and the Government and billionaires and house prices and mosquitoes and other websites and electricity and wolves and cashmere and water and on-line medical assistance and ipods and t-shirts and the weather and dreams and non-dreams and skin and whisky and the pretty woman who got off the bus in front of me just now. But I'm not actually really doing anything much, other than thinking at the moment. And thinking is what most bloggers do too much of, because they have no-one to talk to, other than that special friend in their head who is telling them to re-read Catcher In The Rye and figure out who to stalk next. Which is why it has been pretty quiet here at hhn HQ (not because I am planning on stalking anyone, but because I have just been spinning around in my own head. I think it is a pre-birthday thang, or maybe that white port mrs hhn brought back from Portugal).

Thoughts anyone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just a couple of thoughts hhn, both relating to a recent trip to Oslo:

1) Don't make your mind up about goats' cheese until you've tried gjetost, a rediscovered childhood favourite, also sometimes called fudge cheese ( it's brown and sweet ).

2) Wolves. The Norwegian government regards them as vermin and are trying to extinguish them ( so I've read ). This was a a major cause of disappointment and anger as I'd hoped to see some in their natural habitat. Fat chance. A Swedish acquaintance told me that wolves had been exterminated in Sweden a century or more ago but that they'd subsequently learned the stupidity of this ( the Swedes, not the wolves which, I guess, always recognized the stupidity ) and now the beasts ( the wolves, not the Swedes ) are protected.