Apr 29, 2008

Lord Andrew

In other celebrity-related news, mrs househusbandnot and I were extremely entertained that one of the contestants on The X Factor referred to Andrew Lloyd-Cabbage-Head as "Lord Andrew" on the show the other night. Americans? Don't you just love how they just keep on being wrong. Not that I am at all biased because I had to explain what The Council Of Europe was to an American audience the other day. ("It's like, well you know, got 47 countries in it, and they, well, debate stuff, but none of it is legally binding, but it does means something, kinda, in a 47 country kind of way, and some of them are Dutch...")

Not a lot else today people. I finished Half Life 2 over the weekend with my brother in law's assistance. I am a deeply cheap date when it comes to X Box. I have been playing Half Life 2 since Xmas. My weekend success was accompanied to jeers of derision from mrs hhn on the other sofa, as her brother jogged through sections of the game that I have been stuck on for weeks. And he and I did a bit of Xbox Liveing, which is a bit odd and creepy playing games with complete strangers across the airwaves. In a vague pretence at having a life, the three of us did discuss going to the Rock Against Racism gig, but am glad to report that we didn't actually manage to get off our arses and hung around eating jaffa cakes and X Boxing and watching crap TV aka X Factor instead.

Anyone got any good ideas what I could buy my father in law for his 65th birthday btw? (And yes he has all the aviation simulation games and accessories he needs already. Darn, I've married into a gamegeek family. Excellent. )

Apr 24, 2008


...I just saw a sheep in a playground near Russell Square

And The Waunch didn't pick up on my typo in my headline yesterday...

And my mate (*& has just secured me tickets for Massive Attack* during their Meltdown thang at The Festival Hall...

And mrs househusbandnto woke me up at four am this morning because she wanted to hear me say 'muesli'...

And, and, and...

*Yeah, yeah. I know. But they are great live,and (*& and I have had quite a lot of fun at the Meltdown thangs over the last few years. One of the highlights involved me deciding to talk to Bono when I was twatted. Another involved one of the best gigs I have ever seen (Tricky and Lee Perry together, which shouldn't work, but did. Karma Coma Dwop..)