Jul 23, 2007

Piracy And Pig Eyes

Apologies for the delay in reporting back from the lobster potting last week…which rocked.

Much fun was had with Bad, stealing other people’s boats, puttering around the river, hauling heavy pots from the water, being bitten by crabs, and eventually finding two fine lobsters in the second last pot we checked. (I’m still not clear on whether or not the pots we checked actually belonged to Bad, but hey we’d already stolen a boat so why curb the piracy.) The only down-side to this adventure was the baiting of the pots, which Bad had not told me involved stuffing half pig heads into the pots. I spent a good quarter of an hour on the boat with a half pig head staring at me with its piggy eye.

Anyway, after further bolloxing around, we eventually made it back to shore with our catch, and we headed back to Bad’s via the oyster shop – a quite normal day in the life of Bad – a lovely watery evening in Suffolk for me – and lobsters and oysters for tea. All very mellow, and a far cry from all things Londony and the usual urban routine. And Suffolk is so nuts too. No-one seems to actually do any work there. No-one ever knows when trains come and go. Everything smells vaguely of oil and water and fish and herbs. Everyone is related to the Bads. And everyone – well the men anyway - just arses around with lobsters and oysters and bread and cider.

On return to London, I was informed by mrs househusbandnot that I was in the doghouse for not bringing a lobster back for her, an idea helpfully lodged in her mind by the girls she works with (thanks, ladies). My ‘punishment’ (and please don’t try and deny this mrs hhn because you used that very word) was salmon in filo pastry for supper on Friday night.

In badger-related news, was rather pleased with myself that I got the badgers in Iraq story to you before Pop Bitch. In this lonely blogging world, there are small victories.

In boat-related news, have just been discussing the lack of information about how to get a boat in London with *&^. He and I are looking into getting a boat up to the O2 Arena for our Prince gigs in the coming weeks. But where do you get information on boats in London? Where do they go from? Where do they go? What does it all mean?

In hhn news, just noticed I have written 223 hhn posts since last year. What does it all mean?


Anonymous said...

to get a boat you have to pimp yourself around St Katharine's docks - it worked for friends of mine, but then again they were young and pretty, something alas, you are not.

Do I feel a lobster recipe coming on?

hhn said...

I deeply regret ever sending you that photo of me and mrs hhn.
Anyway, isn't it about time for another of your guest posts?

Anonymous said...

Try this, chuffer: