Apr 10, 2007

Country Life

Sorry for the complete lack of blogging action over the Easter period. Not sure what happened. Just didn't want to blog. (Nothing biblical in that is there?) And thanks for your various comments and demands for a return (resurrection?) of househusbandnot. I didn't know you cared, although I do rather like Madame B's post-modern take on blogging whereby the blogger doesn't actually blog and the commenters just carry on commenting.

Anyway, back up and running with..er not much to say really. Had a good Easter weekend with one of my sisters in Kent. Highlights included: getting back in touch with an old friend who was down there too; stroking my sister's pigs; playing catch the bubbles with my sister's dogs; and generally hanging out in the country. (Although Kent is so deeply gentlefied I am not sure it really counts as country anymore. The main street of the village where my sister lives looks more like Marylebone High Street than Marylebone High Street, full or rich urban mothers and their well dressed kids who look more out of place in 'the countryside' as I do.)

Actually I like the countryside, despite the people and having to drive everywhere for everything. The animals thing is a bit much too, as I was reminded when my sister's cat dragged a massive rabbit in under the dining room table just before supper. And there was a really really noisy owl that kept me from my country retreat sleep. But it was a nice weekend.

Back in London, it did all seem quite loud and brash and aggressive. On the way back from the gym, the driver of the bus stopped because there was a gang of kids refusing to pay for their ride. Being England, we all tutted and looked affronted but didn't actually say or do anything to help the driver out. I got off the bus and walked home. I can't be doing with any of that bolloxing around. And one of the kids had a pit bull terrier that was eyeing my leg with interest. All very London, very..well boring really. And then later in the evening mrs househusbandnot got hustled by some woman claiming she was a neighbour and needed a few quid for her electricity meter. (I know it was a hustle because this woman did the same thing to me a few years ago.) So mrs hhn and I ended up having a row about who is hustling who, and whether or not you should answer the door to anyone in the evenings in London.

mrs hhn has trundled off into the London morning back to work, and I am back here working on the website and trying to figure out what I learned last week about work. There was something. but I can't remember what it was. Oh, yeah. Do what you want to do, and what people think you are good at.

Just spoke to mrs hhn who was asking if I had written a blog yet today. I said yes, but that I thought it wasn't very interesting. She says that doesn't matter, as long as I am getting back into the programme, which I will do in the next few days. Thanks for your patience and loyalty.


Anonymous said...

Dulce et decorum est
pro patria mori

Anonymous said...

Hooray! He is risen! Easter eggs all round!

Anonymous said...

There is something Christ like about his resurrection it is true - the beard, the swagger, the gait, the wise words - all goes to show him in a biblical way - a certain Lazarusian or dare I say, Christ-like quality. Probably more like Life of Brian but you never know

Anonymous said...

"Hello, I live at Number blah-di-blah. My gran is sick and I need the taxi fare to take her to hospital. Please could I borrow £10?"

Mrs Styx:
"Oh, that'll take far too long. I'll drive you there .."

(Exit hustler stage left)

My problem is saying a firm "no" to alcoholics on the scrounge. "There but for the grace of God ..." etc. They do return, though ..... repeatedly!