Apr 2, 2007

MMMM Onday

Since we spoke last I have - amongst other things - been invited to go and meditate at Stonehenge at six am in the morning. Although I appreciate people need different stuff in their life - or perhaps because I understand that people need different stuff in their life - I will not be taking up this invitation.

Speaking of people needing stuff, I ended up sitting next to a life coach at a wedding on Saturday evening. I'm kind of on the fence about life coaching, but we ended up doing fun stuff like deciding what animals everyone else was at our table and talking about what we would be if we had absolute freedom etc. It was fun, because it was just social and we were having a drink, and it was much better than talking about the congestion charge or reality tv. I have no idea if I was being coached in the conversation, or if this particular coach is writing up her blog as we speak with comments about sitting next to a freak on Saturday night. But it was a good wedding conversation. (I guess anything is fun if it means as much as it needs to, and if the person you are talking to is engaging and interesting.)

The wedding was a heavy duty mid-afternoon to midnight gig, involving three different venues around Chelsea, including a great church where Henry VIII married his third wife. (Insert your own gag about this here. The vicar certainly did.) By about 10 pm, mrs hhn and I were ready for Mr Beddington, having become pretty light weight over the last few years when it comes to socialising. Also, the whole point of weddings - I think anyway - is to enjoy love: whether it is seeking it out, or having it, or watching the bride and groom radiate with it. And all that smiling and feeling good about the world gets quite tiring. (I am also a really bad cryer at the speeches, so was pretty much emotionally wiped out by the time it came to pudding.)

I may have mentioned in the past that one of the real regrets about my wedding is that I did not do much dancing. Actually what happened was the new mrs hhn and I did the first dance, and the second, and the third, and absolutely no-one joined us on the dance floor, so we ended up looking pretty foolish up there on our own. So I always try and join in the dancing at weddings now, so that the bride and groom don't get marooned like we did at ours. But it was Irish dancing at this wedding on Saturday, so I gave it a miss.

My other wedding habit it wandering around thanking people at the end of the evening. Again, I managed to avoid this too on Saturday, which was a relief to mrs hhn, who has - in the past - been seen to be physically prising me from the bar where I am buying the DJ a drink or congratulating the harpist or telling the vicar he did a jolly fine job. (I think I'm being polite and affable. mrs hhn thinks I am being drunk and insane.)

In other news, didn't get that contract I interviewed for the other day, which was annoying. But I got another piece of work...writing a blog. Strange but true. Sadly I can see very little cross over between this blog and that one, but will see what I can do in the coming months. And will let you know how it it going.

I am not sure if it was the conversation with the life coach, or something mrs hhn said to me on the way home in the taxi from the wedding about being who you need to be (it's the sort of thing mrs hhn likes to talk about when she's had a few water melon martinis) , but am currently thinking I need to concentrate more on getting more writing jobs - although, having trudged through that dull para about why I didn't dance at the wedding on Saturday, you may disagree.

What else? No, I'm done for today.


Anonymous said...

never mind about the contract, I'm sure you'll do a good job on the blog writing thing, which you should do more of.

You could write about life coaching - with tips and diagrams

Anonymous said...

life coaching...again???

Anonymous said...

is this a daily blog?

Anonymous said...

It used to be...

Anonymous said...

A little while ago you mentioned your work ethic, hhn... What day is it? WWW Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Readers of the world, should we strike?

Anonymous said...

Hhn are you OK ?
Mrs Hhn answer pls ?
He hasn't run off with that noodle steamer guy from the swimming pool I hope?

Anonymous said...

Oi get off hhn. What would yer missus say? ANyway, haven't you got a blog to write?

Anonymous said...

Dear Loyal Readers...fear not, hhn is alive. He is however a little up and down this week. As is his hhn way he is having a mid-hhn-life-crisis. I am expecting him back on form after the long Easter weekend. mrs hhn. xxx

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs hhn; thanks for that. I think I speak for us all when I say we were getting a little worried. Have a sublime weekend.

Anonymous said...

There was indeed a small degree of concern... small but nagging. ( I'm afraid there's probably a mother-in-law gag available here. Help yourselves. )

Anonymous said...

poor little hhn. You dodn't gorge yourself on all those yummy easter eggs did you

Anonymous said...

actually, is the site better like this?