Feb 4, 2007

Clue? Do (Tell)

Not sure who is going to do the science on the Madame B questionnaire responses, although I am currently very much with the idea that she/he is actually a he. Too vulgar to be a bird.
(If you are joining us for the first time today, please take a few minutes out to read all the comments to hhn over the last four or five days. It basically involves Colonel Mustard aka The Waunch defending Carlos Santana against Rev Green aka Styx, who has spent many years in cahoots with Mrs Peacock aka blokewhoifihadtochoosefromthecluedoboxwouldbesmrspeacock. And there is this bird called Miss Scarlett aka Madame B. Some househusbandnot readers thought she (Mrs B) was going to be a fox, but - based on the fact she won't send photographic evidence (despite the fact that I sent her a photo of me and mrs househusbandnot in the summer) - are now thinking she might be rather more Mrs White than Miss Scarlet. Or - someone is suggesting, and I am agreeing - even a geezer. And the only one we have left in the box now is Professor Plum. And where's Vinderama aka the Candle Stick? Me? I'm hanging in the Conservatory with the Rev Green and Colonel Mustard watching Mrs Peacock vogueing.)

Anyway, I'm going to leave the Madame B questionnaire thing out there for a few more days. I want some more from you people. Also, Madame B? Be fly, and actually answer the questions dude/dude-ette. Or just send a photo.

Back in the real world, had a good weekend down in Suffolk with Mr And Mrs Bad and their x4 Badettes. Highlights included being told not to be rude about clowns because two of the kids who were over for the day on Saturday had a mother who was actually a clown. (She showed up later in clown stuff to prove the point.) A bunch of people turned up for supper on Saturday: a lawyer, artists x2 (one v drunk), someone I'd met in Ethiopia 10 years ago, her boyfriend who makes cider, a very funny journalist who spent some of the evening trying to get my surname to google me because I confessed that I recently sent an embarrassingly ranty letter to his newspaper, and a really nice bloke who introduced me to Bettye Swann some time ago. mrs hhn was way down the other end of the dinner table. At the end of supper, I went down to see how she was getting on. "No, it has to be double deckers," she was saying earnestly to the journalist. I figured they were having some serious conversation about transport in London. Turned out they were onto their third or fourth round of Is It A Biscuit Or A Chocolate Bar. Suffolk remains a deeply random place.

In other news, blokewholikesvogueing has asked me to share the following site with you, and to sign up to the petition: www.lifeisland.org

Unfortunately, I have to go to the dentist this morning to see the hygienist who really dislikes me and or the world. She is the moodiest person I have ever met - puts the s and the double l back into sullen. Makes Ian Curtis sound like Emma Bunton. Makes...right quite enough of that.


Anonymous said...

Ok, hhn, i give in - your answers are:

a) What do you think her real name is? Lucy
b) What do you think she does for a job? Marketing
c) What do you think her partner does for a job? Gardener
d) What is her favourite TV show? Dont have a telly, sorry
e) What did she give her partner for Xmas? A DAB Radio
f) What did he/she/it give her? the best cunilingus ever
g) What was the last gig she went to? Depeche Mode
h) Why does she keep haunting my blog? because I'm bored

Anonymous said...

oh and blokewhosuggestedMadameBgametohhn,

the last book I read was Hemmingway's for whom the bell tolls - none of that chicklit crap for me.

And as for photos, my, I am far too shy you tease

hhn said...

Styx, if you would be kind enough to provide appropriate Depeche Mode lyrics for us please?
(How can you work in marketing without a TV? Cool partner job though. Very web 2y.)
One question Lucy. How the hell did you ever find hhn in the first place? Other than boredom.
And, completely randomly, am about to start that Hemmingway book myself. Spooky, huh?

Anonymous said...

well hhn, i was just thinking of a site where my stay at home when it is raining hubbie could look for inspiration. So typed in the name house husband (not). Unfortunately I got your site - still it could have been worse (I am told). I've read this book before but enjoyed it so much I thought I'd re-read it. His masterpiece in my opinion. Fave book has to be - the master and margarita by bulghakov - now, that really rocks

Anonymous said...

For some reason I can't quite put my finger on I now rather wish I'd never crossed swords with madam b. Perhaps hhn could engineer a rapprochement. Incidentally, I think cunnilingus has two 'n's although I could well be wrong, it beng so long since etc. ( And yes, I know 'rapprochement' should be in italics but I don't know how to do that either. )

Anonymous said...

Bulghakov? Hemmingway? Blimey, we've really got this culture thing sussed, innit?

Anonymous said...

yes anon, we have. tsk

hhn. Seeing as I have given you far too much information I feel that the least you can do tomorrow is to mark the day the broccoli way

That means a photo of a broccoli standing proud on the site - just for the day. But tomorrow ok!

You wouldn't want to see me cross!

Anonymous said...

dear blokeyouhaventseenforages

shame on you. You twatterjack. It could have been you but no, you spoiled it. Grovel now or feel the farce

Anonymous said...

Ah dear, I honestly don't know what the fuck you're on about Mme B! This isn't gratuitous discourtesy; I really don't know...

Hey, hhn! D'you remember the days when no one could be arsed to post comments? I bet you're disappointed with fewer than ten these days.

Anonymous said...

So here's number ten, hoping to keep loneliness at bay.

hhn said...

Re that tenth comment: Thanks Man. I love you.