Feb 5, 2007

It's About Love Today

I was going to write about my visit to this woman hygienist yesterday, and got a fair way through this description. But then I realised I was just trying to out-Amis Martin Amis on teeth stuff. So I won't focus on that visit (other than to say 1) Having an Oh So funny cartoon of a dragon telling St George he should visit the dragon's hygienist on your wall is not funny 2) If you must have lots of diploma certificates on the other walls, at least make sure they are made out to someone who is the same sex as you so they don't look like fakes 3) Clean the bl0od off the walls before the next patient darling 4) How come you hygienists do not belive in pain control? and 5) I hate you and your ways, particularly that final polish with that solution that feels and tastes like sand mixed with old pirates' dirty undies water.)

Raped, scrapped, polished and pained, I left the dental clinic and went and drank as dirty and dark and tooth staining an expresso as I could find in London, upgraded my mobile phone, and headed back home to call mrs househusbandnot for some sympathy. The rest of the day was spent on working on that website I've mentioned, trying to figure out how to get my new phone off the German language setting, and having a very bizarre discussion with mrs househusbandnot about the hair products she was required to use as a teenage synchronised swimmer. (Apparently there is some sort of uber hair spray they use to keep their hair looking like that woman from How Clean Is Your House as they cavort around - and under - the water.) Speaking of hair, also got my hair cut v short yesterday. Now looking like - and this is a mrs hhn description - like the big gayer from a boy band on their reunion tour.

Hey, so we got a response from Madame B to the questionnaire. Turns out she is called Lucy who works in marketing, who swaps digital devices for sexual favours, and is also a bit of a electro-goth rocker. Now she has a name, blokewhowasdissingheralot is feeling all contrite about having been so mean to her - an interesting physiological dynamic. I think Lucy and blokewhoserealnameis***** should go out on a date. And then someone could turn their love story into a novel, which someone else could turn into a screenplay, which Richard Curtis could turn into a movie, which might make me some money out of househusbandnot...actually, sorry I need to go back to the hygienist again.

What is a hygienist anyway? When did they add that profession to the whole dentist agenda? When I was young, there was the dentist, maybe some fish or a parrot or something to amuse the kids, and a receptionist who looked like they would really like to be doing something else. (The dentist was usually a ginger with too much nasal hair, but at least you knew once you were out of his room there was not going to be any more pain for a while.) Also, why would you become a hygienist unless you were just too stupid to be a dentist - like vets and doctors. or librarians and writers, and politicians and businessmen. Which to me is the root (be-oom be-oom) of the problem: my hygienist hates her job, so hates her patients, and takes it out on them with nasty devices that would give Hannibal Lector a hard on.

It's about love today isn't it people. Getting mrs hhn to give me some loving sympathy after my hygienist hell, love blossoming in the chat room of hhn, and the love -* or hate - your have for your job.

* A thin line


Anonymous said...

I think I'm going to start a lesbian relationship with mrs hhn, she's got great curves after all. Would she be up for it?

hhn said...

Madame B, three things:

1) Damn you are quick. I only put the blog up five minutes ago. (You really are bored at work aren't you?)
2) You are not allowed to pass comment with the aid of that photo I sent to you in the summer when you are unprepared to reciprocate with a photo of yourself.
3) Don't make smutty remarks about my wife. We are not that sort of blog. (If you do, I will just start editing the comments again - which is technically a real time consuming bore for me, and also prohibits what I think is good 'chat' going down here at hhn. I'm thinking favourite books of the week, Friday thoughts, questionnaires etc. Not lezzer action discussions [although I did have a bet with mrs hhn that I could drop the phrase Lezzer Action into my speech at our wedding.[I was going to pretend he was a Norwegian cousin.])

Anonymous said...

1) I am quick to arrive but slow to come
2) no photo until you stick one up of a broccoli as requested yesterday
3) how dare you threaten me with editing - damn you are a control freak. Books are cool, especially bulgakov as mentioned previously. Did you get lezzer into your speech - I can't imagine you getting tongue tied (ha).

Anonymous said...

'Now she has a name blokewhowasdissingheralot is feeling all contrite...' I mentioned y'day I couldn't put my finger on why this was the case but now hhn puts it like that I think it's the name itself. I mean, if Mme Broccoli was actually called Bunty I probably wouldn't give a flying fuck what she thought of me. And what sort of sense does that make? None. It just makes me sound rather horrible. So what's in a name? Well, Lucy isn't too far - phonetically speaking - from Louise. ( They can both be shortened to Lu/Lou for a start ). And the fact is I always seem to fancy women called Louise. Now that doesn't make much sense either but at least it doesn't make me sound horrible.A rather strange sort of lecher, perhaps, but not actually horrible ( I don't think ). I mentioned this 'fancying Louises' thing to Styx a few months back and he pointed out that his sister's name is another variant on Louise which freaked me out a bit 'cos I still think of her as his kid sister with the emphasis on 'kid'. Anyway, I know some of you don't much care for hhn's lists - why? - but how about the hhn community compiles a list of famous Louises/Lucys/Lous etc. just so as I can see if there's any sense whatsoever in this name thing? How about it? I'll start - Lucy Liu. I mean, ferchrissakes, I'd die for her!

Anonymous said...

oh bloke who .... you are a nasty perverted lecherous type of creep aren't you, huh! Thinking about my fanny no doubt!

Famous Lucies.
1. Lucy Lastic
2. Lucy Enemoral
3. Lucille Ball

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And the comments page went quiet, as Madame B and blokewho.. stopped in their two seperate worlds and contemplated the real possibility of love through hhn. She sat at her chrome and glass desk flipping distractedly through the latest edition of Marketing Week, wondering at how a man's hate and scorn can turn to admiration and interest so quickly. He grilled some aubergines and gently teased out the chords to Personal Jesus on his aged Moog.

"Take second best
Put me to the test
Things on your chest
You need to confess
I will deliver
You know I'm a forgiver"

Was this really going to be what should be...(to be continued)

Anonymous said...

danielle, I'm wet

Anonymous said...

Danielle, you've clearly got a better way with words than literary snobs have ever given you credit for. I just bet that none of your divine heroines would ever come up with a line such as Mme Broc's "Thinking about my fanny no doubt!" I mean, please.

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about it all day long

Anonymous said...

I think it's about time I had another bash at being gay.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

dearie me mrs hhn. I don't even know you yet. Still if you want to that bad ....

Anonymous said...

HEY! Less of the stuff about my sister, please.

Now, I was watching the cricket at some ungodly hour this morning and flicked over to BBC1, where there was this gorgeous chick presenting the weather. Louise Lear was her name - HOT, HOT, HOT!

hhn said...

Right. My only rules on comments are/were:

1) Don't be vulgar (look it up if you don't know what it means)
2) Crude comments about mrs hhn are out
3) Pretending to be mrs hhn is out
4) And be interesting or funny or both, or fuck off (although the guy looking for the snow plough was fantastic)

All four seem to have been broken today. One more and I am going to turn the comment moderator on again - which is a fuckin' pain in the ass for me because I have to go through a five minute process to let in comments I want and delete the ones I don't.
A lot of this aimed at Madame B who seems to have left her sexuality behind the bike sheds at school (Well, I guess that's where she discovered it so some symmetry there.) Guys, we've done guitar heroes, and saying fanny. Most of you - well the handful I know anyway - are deeply funny and entertaining people. Exercise it.
hhn x

Anonymous said...

'We've done with guitar heroes'...
Oh God! I've been working on the greatest guitar heroes gag EVER and now they've been summarily banned by hh(me-a-censor?)n...Don't ask. I've forgotten it already. (But I think it involved Greg Lake.Ha Ha Ha.......No, no, don't look for the punchline - you're too young. Oh Christ! Greg Lake! Ho-ho-ho...Is it hell being young? I mean, is it worse than being middle-aged? Greg Lake! Aaaaaaah fuck. D'you remember that time when...Ow! Who threw that?!)

Anonymous said...

'We've done with guitar heroes'...
Oh God! I've been working on the greatest guitar heroes gag EVER and now they've been summarily banned by hh(me-a-censor?)n...Don't ask. I've forgotten it already. (But I think it involved Greg Lake.Ha Ha Ha.......No, no, don't look for the punchline - you're too young. Oh Christ! Greg Lake! Ho-ho-ho...Is it hell being young? I mean, is it worse than being middle-aged? Greg Lake! Aaaaaaah fuck. D'you remember that time when...Ow! Who threw that?!)