Oct 5, 2006

Feedback And Horses

Had four comments back re househusbandnot in the last 24 hours:

1) You shouldn't go for that job. You should be a jockey.
2) Buy mrs househusbandnot some flowers.
3) That friend's daughter you mentioned is two and a half years old, not 10 months old.
4) Are you okay?

Which neatly captures the themes of work, love, the passing of time, and..er me.

In response:

1) I'd love to be a jockey, except that I am over six feet tall and they would have to get some sort of Henry VIIIth style harness to wedge me on a horse. And I also really hate horses. I was bitten on the back by a horse once, saving my then girlfriend from said horse in a field. And I've been bucked by a horse too. It knew I was scared and just wanted me off its back. And horses are way too big, and have way too many weapons - four hooves, massive teeth etc. - to hang out with. And they also know when you are scared which I am when I am in any sort of horse territory. And I'd look spooky rather than sporty in satin.

2) I did on Saturday. But after I'd put the flowers in a vase, mrs househusbandnot and I got to talking about flower arranging, and I tried to re-arrange the flowers but just ended up cutting them all way too short so that they only just reached out of the vase, and looked a bit sad. And then I decided to blame mrs househusbandnot for this, because..well I had f*cked up and couldn't see anyone else in the room other than me to blame. Totemically, the flowers are peaking up at me every time I look at them now, and making me feel guilty about blaming mrs househusbandnot for my lack of flower arranging skills.

3) Apologies to my website architect friend re the age of his daughter. Mind you we did talk about her for about an hour last night when I was out with him, so I do feel in touch if ill informed about her.

4) Yeah I'm okay. Good session with my web architect mate last night who gave me a load of good ideas to talk about in this job application and how digital media is going to change the world again. Apparently the new trend is for websites to work for us and tailor what we get from them to what we want from them. Short-hand - well my understanding - is that websites with content that you are interested in are coming to find you rather than you having to go and find them nowadays. And we are going to drive web content a lot more than we used to. Conversation versus brochurewear as my mate put it. (Well it made sense last night anyway.)

And my other mate blokewithloadsofjobs was in town from Bath last night, so he came and stayed the night. I can't really remember what we talked about because he only got here at around 11.30, but it was good and manly and honest and funny. The only thing I do remember is a really crap joke he told me: Two tv aerials get married. Crap marriage, great reception though. Actually, we did talk about the whole website stuff and audience segmentation etc. Although blokewithlotsofjobs was wondering why he always ends up in the Japanese death metal section four minutes after he has logged in to itunes.

Incidentally, the person who suggested that I become a jockey ended her email with "Trust me. I'm a teacher". Great aphorism. Almost as convincing as people with horses saying "No you'll be fine".

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