Oct 4, 2006

Talking Shop

I'm going to be brief this morning because I have a load of stuff to get done today, and I have a meeting with a website architect friend of mine later to discuss all that stuff I was bolloxing on about yesterday. This friend of mine does all the sorts of cool things that you read about in the gadgets sections of the Saturday papers like downloading books onto his ipod, and saving music on his phone, and watching DVDs through his kettle. So I am hoping he will be able to guide me beyond my Isn't It Just About Communications? observations on websites. (He has a 10 month old daughter who is no doubt, as we speak, texting him a note in html about not liking the pear and apple baby food he gave her last night.)

This bloke and I had an idea a while back about setting up some sort of discussion group about new communications, but then we realised it was called being a bit of a geek and going to the pub, so we binned that idea. (I think he also guessed that it was just me trying to get free advice from him and his work contacts.) It was a good idea though. Unlike architects or zoo keepers, communications people never do actually get together and talk shop. They are too busy communicating to stop and communicate.

On which note I am going to stop today, and get back to reading websites about websites, and trying to put together my rather random ideas for this job application. All I've got so far is that websites are as good as their users (not designers), that communications strategies only really work if people want to communicate, and that there should be a separate internet for porn so I can find non-porn stuff quicker in my web research. Hardly rocket science. But I'll figure it out - what I want to communicate about communications that is.

Incidentally, taking the communications/non communications thing one step further, mrs househusbandnot has a really busy week this week, so I thought I should not bother her too much with househusbandnot queries about what setting to wash her pyjamas or what she wanted for supper or anecdotes about our new wormery. This non-communication all translated into her worrying about me being distant and not caring about her this week. Great househusbandnot communications strategy, huh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Buy her some flowers...she will like that