Oct 9, 2006

Dancing And Thinking

That wedding we went to over the weekend was a laugh. Now that I am married, I love going to weddings. There is a voyeurism and a smugness and a relief that it's not you up there getting all the attention coupled with the fact that you have done it yourself which is most enjoyable. The father of the bride did mention IRA dirty protests in his speech, but he seemed blissfully oblivious to quite how inappropriate this was. And a friend of mrs househusbandnot's who is a barrister said way too loudly about a bloke in an RAF uniform "If I wanted people to know what job I have, I'd have bought my wig" - so all good wedding stuff.

And mrs househusbandnot and I did a whole load of wedding dancing. Ever since our wedding, when I resolutely failed to get the dancing going, I have determined to dance my ass off at weddings 1) to make up for my lack of dance action at my own wedding 2) to make sure the dance floor does not look quite so empty as it did at our wedding 3) and because it is fun and entirely pointful/pointless.

We came back to London to the 'news' in the News Of The World that someone I hung out with at university had been out on a date with Scarey Spice (allegedly) even though she has declared her true love for Eddie Murphy, and that one of my best friends is moving to Africa for two years. Both of varying degree of interest, and a reminder that you only ever do what you really make happen, whether it is sniffing around the lower rungs of celebrity or not taking things for granted and taking a risk at a different kind of life for a while.

It all got me thinking about what I am up to here in London, and wondering what risks I should be taking. Certainly not planning on trying to get off with a Spice Girl, although a very pretty girl at that wedding did say to me "I wanted to talk to the most impressive person at the wedding". (mrs househusbandnot says I probably misheard her and she was saying pissed not impressive.)

And I've been spying on one of our new neighbours. Not the Japanese ones I was on about the other day, but a Zidane lookalike (this came out as kidney localise on the spellcheck) who sits down to his PC every morning at nine and stays there all day until five. It got me thinking about the fact you have to put the work in to get it out.

So today's distance learning thought from househusbandnot is about graft and risk taking, neither of which I feel I have done enough of over the last few months. The Kidney localiser may well just be looking at porn or writing a bad musical, but he is certainly putting the hours in. And my friend and his family going to Africa are refusing to settle into what London has to offer but deciding to get out there and get on with something else. I'm impressed, and interested. I've been dithering around waiting for things to happen for the last few months. Time to redress that balance I think, and stop blaming other people - recipients of my CV, headhunters, neighbours, that bloke over there - for not getting on with things. Like I said I like weddings. They get you dancing - and thinking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well it is wonderfully philisophical, but you have got zero chance of getting Mrs hhn out of London, let's face it.
News of the world....thats worse than the Daily Mail surely....
Of course Barristers dont wear their uniform protecting our country or our troops when stationed abroad, or get paid anything like the legal profession, so if he had worn his wig, I wonder how many real people would really have given too hoots. Hope he wasnt a friend of yours, doesnt sound like it given your general theme of the blog.
By the way, do you own a car in town, given wormery and bus rides etc, are you a fan of the congestion charge? I am, should ban all but necessary vehicles from town.
Good blog subject for discussion too.