Oct 10, 2006

Water Trampling

I did get my hands on that new Martin Amis book, so if I start writing like him...sorry. I tend to when I am reading his stuff. mrs househusbandnot mimmicks people's accents if she talks to them for a while. It can be a bit embarrassing, especially if they are something like Welsh or Australian or Belgian ie chippy about their status in the world. Americans and Nigerians and the English don't care. They just think it is a sign that they are winning.

Speaking of language, I was reading yesterday about a new book called The Meaning Of Tingo which lists words from around the world with very specific meanings. Stuff like 'razblyuto' which in Russian means the feeling for someone once but no longer loved, or 'torschlusspanik' which in German is the fear of diminishing opportunities as one gets older, or 'gagrom' which in Boro means to search for a thing below water by trampling.

I've thought of a few more:

1) 'yesterday' which is the feeling of anger I had when I got a rejection letter from those people I spent all of last week doing an application for
2) 'today' which is me reminding myself all day that I should not get so emotionally involved in these bloody applications and do about 50 of them rather than living and breathing and bleeding through each one, one at a time
3) 'tomorrow' which should be me remembering 'today' in a good way with a little bit of that anger from 'yesterday' to give me some resolve
4) 'life' which is the important realisation that sitting around on your arse reading The Guardian jobs pages and doing job applications for jobs advertised in those jobs pages is fundamentally a complete waste of time and it sucks the soul from your bones

You get the idea I hope. I'm trying not to be too razblyuto about my place in the jobs market, while at the same time forcing myself not to be too torschlusspanik about future prospects, and not resorting to too much gagroming while I figure out what I should do next.

In other news, someone was asking if househusbandnot had any thoughts on the congestion charge in London and whether or not this means of charges for driving into London during the week was helping to reduce traffic etc. I guess so, although mrs househusbandnot and I have been witness to quite a lot of road rage lately with large van-driving men trying to haul smaller hatchback-driving men from their hatchbacks to beat the shit out of them because they have cut them off or something. Like any other war this can only be about there not being enough space for everyone to hang out in harmony, and I guess men liking to beat the shit out of each other. SO I don't know about the congestion charge. Maybe men should not be allowed to drive in built up areas with other men.

My sister has a further London decongestion-related proposal that only people who were born in London should be allowed in London at the weekends. On which note, I'm off for a gagrom...I mean swim.

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