Apr 9, 2008

Re: "Being nice to mrs hhn isn't a job, it's a privilege, surely?
And I've done the Writing the Words for the Back of Crisp Packets job, and it's turbo-money for old rope. Any crisp manufacturers out there, I'm your man."

As ever The Waunch(is this blog turning into TheWaunchnotisshouldbe?)puts his finger on the burning issues of the day, the first of which was addressed this morning at hhn HQ as mrs househusbandnot and I were preparing for our day...

hhn: "So, in theory anyway, now that I have run your bath, made you tea, and been downstairs to get the delivery of organic vegetables, I have been a good husband, no?"

mrs hhn: "It is not what you do hhn. It is the manner in which said tasks are performed. And it is not a competition."

hhn considers witty or pithy response to this, but can't come up with anything stronger than "I am only in competition with myself, so it is a competition".

Thus begins another day in the lives of hhn/mrs hhn.

And the crisp packet copy thang? Indeed The Waunch has done this. The place where I always go for my pre-gym coffee stocks the very same crisps for which he wrote the copy. So I think about him and crisp packet copy and his crisp packet copy most days. What I have thought has gotten no further than `There are the crisps that The Waunch wrote the packet copy for.' Actual and factual, if not edifying or illusitory.

So this crisp packet goes into a bar, and asks the barman...


Anonymous said...

If you want some further information on the crisp packet thing, to mentally conjure with as you queue for your coffee, here are a couple. I wrote all the copy for the entire range without ever tasting a single crisp. I was subsequently rather glad about this, because I eventually did taste them, and they were fucking horrid.

Anonymous said...

Madam B here, now hang on a darned minute Waunch. We don't use the F word here, the C word yes, but F, oh no.

If you had of wrestled with the crisps - would you have been done for rustling? yes, that is my coat, yes I will get it

Anonymous said...

Madam B Here, Waunch, your writing sends a quaver down my spine

Anonymous said...

'If you had of wrestled'... Clearly Madam B's job doesn't involve the written word.

Anonymous said...

Madam B here ..... cheeky beggar -