Mar 18, 2008

Ipods Ishmods (Chapter IV)

Moving swiftly on from my relationship with mrs househusbandnot - something I did vow some time ago only to share thoughts on only with her, rather than her and you six - hmmm, may have crossed that line by mistake there for a moment, for which apologies to mrs hhn - and my other relationships, namely the one I have with that piece of junk known as my ipod.

Taking on board Styx's qualifier/complaint about the incessant need/demand/expectation for listening to music every waking hour (rather than as we used to: having raced back from the record shop, waited until your mum had finished listening to something on the radio, and then finally finally finally being allowed to listen to your new record), my ipoding is... know what? I had a whole post worked up about the shuffle mode versus the other modes, and a discussion about some of the 3,988 songs on my ipod, and about the fact that a third of those songs are from my friend (*&'s collection, and what a laugh it is sometimes to get some obscure songs from his collection shouting at you when you least expect them (well, you can’t prepare for something you don’t know is there, right? – even if it is another Janet Jackson remix), and a whole ode to (*& para about how much I think about him because I spend at least a third of my ipod time listening to his music and reminding myself what a cool guy her is etc., and/but that I never tell him that, and somehow think it is good enough to be thinking about my friends warmly rather than actually getting my ass around to seeing them, and that really really annoying equalizer option on ipods which has about thirty different settings all of which sound the same – Lounge? Vocal Booster? Deep? Who cares? (well I obviously do), and also about quite how flat everything really sounds on ipods, and itunes being the most annoying piece of software ever invented by man or woman or beast or badger, and a whole bunch of other stuff. But in the end of the day it was a sad rant from a sadder man about his electronic toys. And there are quite enough of them out there already. (Although, of interest may be the fact that if you Google image `ipods', about three pages down there is a picture of a woman performing a sexual act on what looks like a horse. Another fine Google moment. [I wonder how often you have to mention Google on a Google owned blog space before Google use their Google rules and Google regulations to a) ban you from blogging with Google or b) employ you at Google as a Google employee?] )

So, there it is. Bring on Easter.

BTW I am on jury service next week for a couple of weeks. Am also – for reasons I will not bore you with - off line at home at the moment, so not sure when hhn will resurface. Am hoping – as I hope Google is – that it will be soon.

In other news, have decided that The Waunch is the ideal man to organize that largest group of people ever to gather in one place to play the guitar event that was cancelled last year. So easy to decide what other people should be doing with their own lives, eh?

In other other news,…no I’ve dried.

hhn x


Anonymous said...

Madam B here, I've not got an iPod so don't know what the hell you are talking about. However, my easter eggs will be ovulating over the break

Anonymous said...

I bought you that ipod mate!

Anonymous said...

No you didn't. I did.

Anonymous said...

Madam B here, all I got was a lousy laminator

Anonymous said...

Madam b here, I think the Waunch should take up your mantlke while you are away hhn - who agrees?

Anonymous said...

Michelle certainly married the right guy.....