Feb 26, 2008


This morning I was having a coffee before work, and there was this old bloke sitting next to me in the cafe with some (other) bloke. They were obviously reading a tv or film script, and the first bloke looked up from the script and said "Diss? Why would someone want to diss someone? It's a town in Suffolk."

Some of my other favourites;

Two v posh old blokes on a bus in Chelsea. One to the other "I had the most marvellous kedgeree last night. Best I've had since...since...well India."

Two blokes standing having a fag by a Scottish Loch. One to the other "Everyone said she was really shy, but she took all her clothes off and let me fuck her up the arse."

A genteel old couple in a pub in New Forest. Him to her "Will you have the usual my dear?" She nods. He goes to bar "Two pints of Stella please".

One bloke to another walking down Oxford Street "But they were some sort of hermaphrodite weren't they?"

One bloke to another "I'll tell you what also really really annoys me. Cheese."

My colleague was telling me this morning that he was forced to listen to a couple for 22 minutes on the train home. The woman started the conversation with "So what are we doing tonight darling?" and ended is 22 minutes later with "I never want to see you ever again."


Anonymous said...

I don't understand either. Diss is in Norfolk...

hhn said...

I know. But that is what he said. I thought it was particularly amusing that he got it wrong.
btw I have just ordered a courier to get your pedant's waistcoat over to you before you head to the pub.

Anonymous said...

Dude, way to not get meta-irony.

Anonymous said...

Madam B here, you found me out, dam, that was probably me by the Scottish loch