Jan 22, 2008

Welcome Zagazzo

I read – or heard or was told or fooled into believing – that the game wardens in India are so scared of the Bengal Tigers that they make as much noise as possible when they are `seeking out’ the tigers. Hence very few sightings of the tigers for the tourists. (Bengal tiger facts: they can eat as much as 30 k of meat in one sitting, and their roar can be heard two miles away.)

In related news – as in having just been on my first ever safari my expectations of what constitutes entertainment have risen quite a lot – is it just me, or has TV just gotten really crap. Even the usually reliable Shameless and Curb Your Enthusiasm are not generating much of a reaction on the hhn/mrs househusbandnot couch. (One notable exception to this TV IS CRAP trend is American Idol, which remains excellent viewing primarily because Americans are so darn weird. Mrs hhn and I also watched a deeply entertaining documentary about an elephant orphanage the other night, but how could anyone go wrong with that sort of content? [They almost did by having Michaela Strachan anthropomorphising all over the elephants.])

Bearing in mind that the Big Brother and News At Ten (which really is truly terrible now) bubbles appear to have burst, maybe this is the beginning of the end, and those overpaid dullards who make tv shows are actually going to have to stop and think about the programmes they want to/should make, and take into consideration a few currently ignored bottom lines like: being amusing; being interesting etc., and not rely on celebrity to sell very very weak ideas/gags etc.

You could accuse me of some sort of lack of irony or consistency by confessing a liking for American Idol. But, hey, my blog. F(*K U…

Incidentally, welcome Zagazzo as a new hhn reader. (You have just increased hhn readership by approx 20%. FYI though, Madame B is nuts.


Anonymous said...

Hey hhn, did you know that tigers make friendly noises between themselves, a kind of soft brrring sound, known as 'chuffing'?

Anonymous said...

I hear tigers are partial to pedants on toast

Anonymous said...

I have a tiger in my tank, alas, not my bed

"so tell me what you want, what you really, really want,
I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want,
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna Zigazagoo"

Anonymous said...

I thank you one an all. A good zigging from Madame B must be a treat indeed.

Don't go all squiffy about the cutesie mammals now, just cos you've been Out There. Most of them are nasty heartless bullies too.

Anonymous said...

"Pedants on toast"? You'd have to have a pretty big piece of toast to get more than one pedant on it. Surely you mean pedant on toas... oh...

Anonymous said...

into the pedant cupboard for you anon