Jan 31, 2008

Chance Meetings

I bumped into a bloke I know on the way to work this morning. Well, `I know' is not really the case. I know I worked with him somewhere, and he was in the IT department so I was always bothering him about printers and remote access etc. (hhn rules of engagement in the office Number 1 btw: always get on with the people in IT, the security guards, and the person who orders the printer cartridges.) But I can't remember where we worked, or what his name is, other than that he was an IT dude.

Sad and rude really, since he remembered my name and was asking about my work etc. All I could come up with was asking about his Xmas and what he was doing wandering around near my office. I felt bad, and rude, and arrogant. And I can't even google him for next time I bump into him because I don't have his name to google.

But that is one of the problems with London. You can't really ever hide from your past - or lack of memory about it. Two of my colleagues - at the office I work in now - step out to get their sandwiches every lunchtime in mortal fear of bumping into a) someone one of them fired and b) someone who took over their old job. And by chance both these two other people work with each other, so it could be a real giant double whammy of my colleagues are out together and bump into both of the other two people out from their office together. (Maybe we could do a triple attack with me being with them when they bump into those other two And the bloke I saw this morning. Perhaps Tracey Emin will be there too to do a quick sketch of this London meeting.)

In other news, I HAVE BEEN CALLED FOR JURY SERVICE. What has happened to this country....


Anonymous said...

London has had a lot of people it is true (but then again, so have I).

I once met someone I used to squat with in Australia, 3 months later saw them on a beach in Thailand, and then 3 months after that saw them on a hen night in London.

Bumps do happen - if yer know what I mean ;)

Anonymous said...

You called for Jury Service - Pah. What hope has any animal hating vegetarian techno babe got with you judging them.

Just make sure you get into the mind of the killer, make sure you understand their motives and put yourself in their shoes. No-one is born bad, and only extreme circumstances and stupidity lead to such things. And being stupid isn't a crime - just ask Derek Comway MP, er, then again, maybe not.