Dec 10, 2007

Thank God It's Not Christmas

(Have been reading a long long Brian Eno interview this morning, so may suggest that you read hhn while banging an Italian bell slowly and naked shortly.)

Although in no less surreal - if less oblique - news, (*& and I managed to buy each other exactly the same xmas present this year. What is the likelihood of that, considering all the things we could have bought each other? Who would have thought that two friends could separately - and togetherely - come to the conclusion that the other one needed a ticket to see Sparks perform Kimono My House in its entirety in March. Amazing co-incidence huh? (Actually it pretty much happens most years with (*& and I. Not the Sparks thing. But the same presents thing. There are - after all - a finite number of Sparks/Eno/Jay McInerney/Andy Warhol-related gift ideas out there, especially at Xmas. And I think (*& and I are just about the only two people in Europe who consider Kimono My House a seminal album.


hhn said...

Well we both bought each other two tickets, so we have four between the two of us, so you can come along if you are prepared to unveil yourself oh anonymous one?

Anonymous said...

I had a meeting with Brian Eno once for about half an hour. The man was a fool. Gorgeous assistant though

Anonymous said...

hhn, don't get too excited. You know perfectly well who I am, chuffer... Maybe Madam B would like to come as well?

Anonymous said...

are you asking me out anon?