Aug 8, 2007


So......Prince the other know what guys, I'm kinda embarrassed to say this but to be really really honest I think I am genuinely to old/fucked up (TOFU) to do the whole gig thing anymore. I am:

TOFU to deal with the pre-gig excitement
TOFU to accept that I don't have the best seats in the house
TOFU to queue anywhere
TOFU to spend £30 on a tshirt
TOFU to want to spend £30 on a tshirt
TOFU to even pretend that Prince's female dancers would ever be interested in me
TOFU to queue behind Dutch people (of which there where a large number at Prince gig the other night)
TOFU to be bossed around by sad guys with small cocks aka bouncers (they are particularly oppressive and unpleasant at Th O2 Dome - please be warned)
And TOFU to accept from mrs househusbandnot that telling these bouncers that they were being deeply unpleasant was a bad idea.

And (I wish I was making this up people) I was with my brother in law last night having a cigar (old man's smoke) and a glass of scotch (old man's drink) and I was saying "Well to have been up there in the business for almost two decades, he's got to be pretty talented." I was talking about Snoop Dog...what an old git.

I am going to Portugal for the weekend. Will be back in touch early next week.

Madame B games while she is away please btw.

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