Apr 26, 2007



"mrs househusbandnot?"

mrs hhn looked lazily up from the cook book she was reading while she was waiting for her taxi.(Unlike me, he does not get worried when being addressed by her hhn name. She - after all - has a real life beyond hhn.)

"What should I write the blog about today?"

"How about how disgusting eggs in coconut sauce sound? Oh, there's my taxi. Bye darling." And they said marriage was about being a team.

Actually eggs in coconut sauce does sound bad, but not bad enough to fill a whole post. (Although judging by the acres of words we have generated about sandwiches lately, I imagine we could probably stretch a discussions about eggs through another couple of paras, especially if The Waunch is prepared to do more research and get back to us with a few definitions from The Royal Society Of Eggs. Still waiting for blokewho's thoughts on sandwiches blt...sorry btw.)

In response to Madame B and her query about traffic versus comments, we have a consistent audience to hhn thank you very much. (You can work it out yourself love with the site meter.) It is neither in its 10s nor its millions, but we are getting there - wherever there may be. I am still basking in having had our 5,000th visit to hhn a few weeks ago, and am only sorry that I could not identify that 5,000th visitor so I could reward them with an hhn cd compilation and or a hhn coffee mug tree. (Glad we lost Mr Scary Patch along the way though. He was just a little too real.)

That other blog I have started writing, the serious US-based one. I was most read blogger for a whole 36 hours on the site. So there are audiences and audiences I guess. Here at hhn I am not going to go the populist route by writing more topically in order to try and build up audiences, mostly because I have no idea how I would do that, other than in a really self-conscious manner. (David Cameron, David Cameron, David Cameron, Manchester United, Russian wives.)

I'm afraid that you - all seven kerbillion of you - will have to get by with what I (and or mrs hhn) come up with of a morning. And today it was eggs and coconuts and me. (In vaguely related news, I met with some people the other day about some work, and was googling them before the meeting , and I thought maybe I should google myself - my real self - in case they had too. Google? Hmmm. First search result is a letter from me to a music mag about Bobby Gillespie. So I tried Yahoo. First search result is from another blogger who says "%^&$%^ writes amusingly about hanging around doing nothing." I'm hoping the interviewers were big Primal Scream fans.)


Anonymous said...

"Eggs" are dippy

Anonymous said...

Oddly enough, there is a Sumatran recipe for a dish called Gulai Telur, which is boiled eggs in coconut milk. A quick search gives us this:
2 cups coconut milk
½ turmeric leaf, shredded
8 hard boiled eggs, peeled
1 tablespoon tamarind juice
Salt to taste
Fried shallots to garnish
Spice paste:
5 shallots, peeled and sliced
3 cloves garlic
4 birds eye chilies, chopped
2,5 cm ginger, peeled and chopped
1 cm fresh turmeric, peeled and sliced
2.5 cm galangal peeled and chopped
Grind or blend the spice paste ingredients until coarse. Bring coconut milk gradually to the boil and add the spice paste, turmeric leaves and eggs. Simmer until the sauce thickens for another minute. Serve garnished with fried shallots.

Or alternatively don't, because it's disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Re the earlier sandwich/wrap argument - hhn facetiously wonders if he'll be sued by The Waunch what with Mrs The Waunch being American ( and therefore, by definition, litigious presumably ). hhn should be aware that there is precedence for such a legal case.In 2006 the Panera Bread Co. attempted to block Qdoba Mexican Grill from selling burritos at a shopping centre, claiming that it - PBC - had sole rights to sell sandwiches on the premises. Qdoba won the day when the Superior Court Judge accepted the evidence of an expert witness - and chef - who declared that a sandwich is of 'European roots' and 'generally recognized as two pieces of leavened bread' whereas a burrito is 'specific to Mexico' and typically involves 'unleavened tortilla'.

This is interesting evidence when one considers that the earliest sandwich is widely attributed to the ancient Jewish sage Hillel the Elder whose handiwork involved bitter herbs and meat from the Paschal lamb between pieces of matzo ie unleavened bread.

Surely there are grounds for appeal by Panera. If the expert witness was incorrect on the questions of leavened/unleavened and European/Jewish couldn't PBC's lawyers find a burrito-shaped hole in Qdoba's defence?

Anonymous said...

blokewho .... what a crock of shite. A sarnie is a sarnie. A tortilla is a tortilla, a burrito is a burrito and a Pizza is a Pizza. Why else would they all have different names!

Anonymous said...

Well yes, I do see your point...

Anonymous said...


Today on HHN in a startling development that will leave millions of regular viewers shocked, it was claimed by Blokewho "someone actually has sense on this blog". Blokewho, a regular commentator who has witnessed the sandwich debate from the first said "I'm very glad that someone at last has come up with an unarguable point, and she's got smashing boobies too".

Blokewho's request for anonymity was waived by the courts due to his previous inacrceration for butter stealing at a fashionable London Deli Bar refused to go into further details but did request one last look at the boobies on offer

Anonymous said...

Anon - yr recipe sounds delicious. I admit that anything that might roughly be described as 'egg curry' sounds like trouble but I can't imagine it's remotely 'disgusting'. You haven't actually tried it, have you?

Anonymous said...

Blokewho, I tried it a few years ago in Bali, and it was, sadly, memorably unpleasant.