Mar 15, 2007

Layzee Dude

Having got rather more hits than usual with my meaningless list of bands yesterday, I am tempted to continue on this winning streak - based on my theory that the only way you get real traffic on the net is by appealing to stoned 17 year old American boys - with further househusbandnot lists of:

  • the most stoned I have ever been
  • bongs I have loved, and made
  • reasons why chicks are dull when I am stoned
  • my favourite guitar solos of all time, and you can include bass solos and other stuff if you want dude
  • great sentences that start with "Duuuuude"
  • 53 of my favourite chocolate bars
  • 47 reasons why Pearl Jam rock
  • why my mom is a downer when I am wrecked
  • 50 Cent or Shakespeare: discuss
  • Hot tubs v global warming

etc. etc.etc.

But I won't, because we are off for a weekend with my in laws, which - for all its goods and bads - involves very little use of bongs or listening to The Smashing Pumpkins backwards. (Just to tease on the theme though, am very interested in hhn list proposals aka you tell me what you want lists of, and I will provide them.) Instead, we will go for long walks, and pretend that my father in law is not itching to get back home and watch the football, and I will continue my (continual) quest to convince my mother in law that I am normal.

Which is going okay I think, he says hopefully - deeply, graspingly, cramp-inducingly. Actually, I am looking forward to a bit of rnr chez in laws, where bacon sandwiches are produced with pleasing regularity, and where the only real tests are to try and see if I can turn the central heating down a notch or five when no-one is looking, and to see how long I can sit in my father in law's Layzee Boy before he pulls rank on me.

Having said all this, am now going to manic around for a few hours making sure I pack ALL the clothes my mother in law bought me for Xmas, and buying The Daily Mail to read on the journey down so that I can - at least vaguely - see where my father in law is coming from with his current theory that global warming is a leftie conspiracy theory which is seeking to hunt down his wife's three dish washers and two ovens.

Have a good weekend. Next week we have: hhn has massive job interview for 30 minutes at 8.00am on Thursday, supper with mr and mrs styx, and then a weekend with real househusband (remember him from way back?) Laugh? I nearly didn't have time to have a *&^£.


Anonymous said...

Hmm, I suppose you have to say nice things if mrs hhn senior reads your blog - no doubt you have got her a surrogate mummy's day card?

Have great weekend

Anonymous said...

Dude, you may not believe this, but last night I dreamed that your blog for today was a list of 26 things that you could do with a set of jump leads. This is entirely true. I actually woke myself up laughing.
But, dearly as I love your list-blogs, I'm disturbed by the idea that you want us to suggest subjects, and you'll fill in the blanks. Where's the creativity? Where's the genius in that? The craftsmanship? Where is the love? If we wanted a chuffer simply pulling random nonsense out of his arse we could just buy a David Bowie record.
Reader-suggested lists? Don't do it, hhn. We expect more from you.