Feb 27, 2007


Noticed this morning that two of the tabloids had a picture of Helen Mirren tucking into a burger at some post Oscar party - to prove that she is just as normal as we want her to be, or not poncey and American needing a food taster, or...well something. (I once spent the whole evening at a reception in Delhi with a photographer trying to take photos of me eating. It really did my head in thinking that there would be a photo of me in a paper with Fat White Bloke Eats Loads caption. I eventually confronted the photographer, who ran away.) I guess we do still want our celebrities to be like us here. Or at least not as out of reach as American ones. (I'm guessing Beyonce has something in her contracts about not being seen eating anything other than gold sushi of water.)

Blair's "I have not seen the film, but Dame Helen is a national treasure" line was really weak. He keeps on saying he hasn't seen stuff as an excuse not to comment. It is not good enough. I want an all-seeing, all-commenting Prime Minister. Speaking of not seeing, I didn't actually watch the Oscars, but apparently they were quite dull.

Which is also how I am feeling about househusbandnot at the moment. I am spending far too much time in the real world at the moment. I could - and won't - tell you about that real world, but it really is v boring - well not boring, just pretty pedestrian. And I am not really a good enough writer - or dreamer - to make the pedestrian that interesting (although I still think that my description of a new fridge back last year on hhn was perhaps one of the finest posts out of hhn HQ).

So gonna take a rethink on hhn for a few days. Will get back to you later this week, or Monday next week. Feel free to chat amongst yourselves.

hhn x


Anonymous said...

You soft southern lightweight chuffer. "Gonna take a rethink on hhn for a few days..." And what are we supposed to do all day? Selfish, that's what I call it.

Anonymous said...

It's all because no one comented y'day, anon. hhn has gone into a massive sulk because his self-validation has gone into reverse thrust after the 4000 hits celebrations were - ahem - somewhat muted. Even blokewho... couldn't be bothered to rise to the chippy bait. And Christ knows he's even chippier...

Hey, hhn. You remember the David Soul classic from way-back-when? That's what all your faithful readers are singing as I type: "Don't give up on us baby..."

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I agree, Blokewho; hhn's not getting the validation and ego-massaging he needs, so he's throwing his toys out of the pram. I think us loyal commentators (the broccoli harpy excepted) deserve better. I want my money back...