Mar 1, 2007

Fair Enough

...on your various dissing of me flaking out re daily posts, for which I apologise. While I was mourning my decline with some Thunderbird wine and a black handkerchief, others of you were out there doing important research for which many thanks from Bad in Suffolk.

If the blues ain't nothing but a bad man feeling down, then blogging ain't nothing unless you actually have anything to say.

All I am doing is having these really weird dreams about cutting and pasting texts and moving them around a huge board, which is sometimes my body and other times a massive presentation that I am giving to some sort of entirely pointless old-fashioned organisation like NATO or something. It is kind of Dr Strangelove meets War Games meets Space Invaders with words. I blame the website I am working on, which has now reached a massive 200 pages with my daily populating.

In other news, had supper with my sister last night, who was complaining about Americans and what a lack of irony they have. I asked for an example, and she said one of the most desirable streets in The Hamptons is called Readers Digest Street. She wins.

Today, off to help a mate out with some marketing problems he is having with his publishing company. I assume this will involve a lot of sitting around complaining about how people are too stupid to understand us. Men, huh?


Anonymous said...

Glad as we are to have you back, hhn, its dismaying to see you trot out that tired old canard about Americans having no sense of irony. Of all the lazy cliches that dog Anglo-American relations, that one's probably the most tedious.
In fact, there isn't a Readers Digest Street in the Hamptons, yet dozens of Brits at dinner parties across the land choose to believe there is. Now surely that's ironic?

Anonymous said...

And just for the sake of correctness, the line is "Blues ain't nothin' but a good man feelin bad." Just sayin', is all...