Oct 30, 2006

Animal Theories Edit

I just finished the post for today and tried to publish it, and the whole &*&^ing system went down, failing to save any of my original post. It was quite good too. It had movie reviews of the movies mrs househudbandnot and I watched over the weekend. And stuff about my friend who is moving to Kenya in January. And some good jokes about wildebeest being really bummed out about waking up every morning and realising they are still wildebeest ("Great. Me and these other four million suckers running around trying to avoid crocodiles again. I had a dream I was an ant-eater.") And about male penguins wishing they were gay so that they didn't have to walk 70 kilometers to sit on an egg in the middle of the Antarctic every spring.

I'm reluctant to try and remember all of the original post now, and the penguin gag was the best one, other than some graffiti I saw on a billboard for a really bad romantic comedy which read: 'He's gay. She can't act. Straight to video' - which is where we watched this truly shockingly bad movie over the weekend. (We also saw a new movie with that bloke from Scrubs called Last Kiss, which was nice in a gentle, nothing really happens kind of way.)

But I am getting sad that my friend is going to Kenya. Not in a he is abandoning me way. I'm not like that. Just in a hey he's not going to be here way. But I guess Mrs househusbandnot and I can go and see him and his family once they are settled in, and check on the real - rather than my anthropomorphised - lives of wildebeest. Although I did watch a documentary about them recently. They get killed by everything. Crocodiles, lions, wild dogs, people, mud, each other, everything. They should cut their loses and shave and hang out with goats and stuff so they don't have to do that hellish migration every year. (Shaved wildebeest to crocodile: "The wildebeest? They went that way dude. And all the really weak ones were at the back. You'll catch them in no time. Me? No, I'm a goat. Why am I shivering? It's just a goat flu thing that's been going round the herd..I mean flock...I mean goat community. Dude, don't stare at me like that. You're freaking me out.")

Actually, as you may have guessed, one of the movies we watched over the weekend was March Of The Penguins. It was a really sweet movie, and completely exhausting watching these absurd birds walk for miles and miles and miles - all in little penguin steps - to find places to breed and food for their kids. mrs househusbandnot said it made how some of her friends had described IVF treatment look relaxing.

I'm actually doing some real - rather than this - writing this week for a new website, which is fun. So I'm going to get on with that now, before I share any more of my theories on animals - of which I have many many hundreds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To fix comment pop up problem


If you have had enough of videos and website writing this week, why not give us a review of this ride/exhibition....


looks like fun!