Sep 14, 2006


Right you lot. I love you all very much, but we need to be getting more people to read househusbandnot. Tell your people to tell their people that there is a good blog to read. A number of you told me this week that you had to hide your laughter from your staff and colleagues in the office when you were reading househusbandnot. Hey, don't hide it. Share the househusbandnot groove . Make it part of required reading before departmental meetings. Wear househusbandnot T shirts on dress down days. Have househusbandnot roundtables. Sell me you bitches.

This is all flying in the face of mrs househusbandnot's suggestion that I do NOT bang on about audiences/hits/visit etc on househusbandnot. But hey, what does she know - other than being a good 10% of my audience on a slow day. Although I am sad, nay, staggered to tell you that she admitted to me the other night that she does not always read househusbandnot, and then begged me to let her read it when she got home, which I didn't let her do because if you read it from our PC at home it does not log as a site visit. Harsh I know, but you gotta work with the audience you've got, and try and make them work for you.

I know there are other ways of getting more people to read househusbandnot: being more entertaining; doing techy networky stuff to the blog; and or doing porno. Well, I'm working on the first two, but not on the last one.

But speaking of porn, there was some article the other day in the Observer women's supplement about female confessional bloggers and how they "trawl for men, display their most intimate secrets on the internet and turn their diaries into essential reading for thousands". Fundamentally, I see no difference between this sort of confession, and the 'confession' of photos of a girl taking her clothes off. I'm not anti pornography, just anti trying to sell pornography as something other than what it is, and still being all puritanical about stoke mags etc. ("She calls herself a memorist. Her former mother on law calls her a whore." Yeah, whatever.)

Anyway, tell people about househusbandnot.

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