Aug 6, 2006


So, I was threatening to provide an interview with a famous sociologist and his thoughts on blogs. Well I got him (famous sociologist) sat down over the weekend in a restaurant and ran the warm up question of "What Do You Think About Blogs?" by him. He didn't miss a beat: "There are three reasons for blogs. 1) to self-justify 2) as a cry for attention, 3) and to share thoughts on your current thinking. I do the last one a lot. Have you been watching the cricket?" (James) Buzz Blunt or what? So much for the in-depth interview. (He was also sucking on half a dozen oysters at the time, which kind of added insult to my mis-planned industry.)

So, moving swiftly on from said expert's first two thoughts, househusbandnot current thinking (other than that sociologists suck - on oysters):

Just finished a job application for that job I really want. Man, is that a laborious process. I ended up sending a 13 page document back. I feel sorry for whoever has to wade through all those previous employments and relevant experiences and personal qualities and fictitious A level results. But I guess they have some sort of check list to sort out the sociopaths and pathalogical liars. I was at school with a bloke who once convinced an interview panel that he had organised Band Aid. Now there's impressive lying. (Speaking of Live Aid, my loquaciousnot interviewee was eating his oysters in a restaurant where he had previously watched Bob Geldof being turned away because he didn't have a reservation. ["Give us your &^*&^ing table".] This appealled to my bivalve-slurping sociologist friend's sense of..something.)

I tried not to lie on the job application, mostly because I am a terrible liar face to face. But also because I have some misplaced desire to work for an organisation that wants me and my experiences, rather than me and my fantasies. ("It wasn't easy I admit, but once we reached the North Pole I knew I was going to have to take over leadership of the team because I could communicate with our local guides. Amazing when a smattering of the Innuit language comes in handy. Mind you, getting Status Quo on stage at Live Aid was a whole other management challenge. And right after I had slept with Madonna...") I am probably missing a trick and should lie a bit more on job applications, and in life in general actually. Madonna, if you are reading this, your husband seems a really cool guy. Hey, this lying thing is easy.

We will see what they think of my application aka novella. I think I answered most of the questions, and mrs househusbandnot proofed out the references to 'pubic speaking", 'skulls management','in-c*&^y experience'. Fungers crissed.

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