Apr 22, 2008

Shakespeare, Sister

I assure you there is nothing very Shakespearian about modern Denmark, or indeed me in modern Denmark. (Anyway, I don't buy the whole Shakespeare thing. Sure, I muddled through a handful of his plays at school, and kinda pretended that I thought they were deep. But, are they really? Really? And I don't buy whole Shakespeare wrote the only eight stories that ever need telling. Did he write the screenplay to 28 Days Later? No. Did he author The Diggingest Dog In The World? Er, no. Purple Rain script? N[o]. Any of the Hitchcock movies? NO. Did he ever drag his bearded little ass over to his desk to engage in anything on modern man and his struggle with his ipod? Or addiction? Or man on man lurve? Or religious war? [Sorry, just been reading The Second Plane.] Or living with wolves? [Or anything on animals come to think of it.] Or detectives? Or serial killing? Or the dilemmas facing a band forced to reform in order to make money although they hate each other? Or being unable to cope with winning the lottery? Or having cosmetic surgery and marrying a computer hacker who has overextended on his property portfolio? Er...no, no, no and...no. He didn't even know how to spell his own name. And a good line here and there does not make for eternal fame. If that was the case, we could/should be studying Howard Devoto. I'd go with Marlowe. And anyway, Shakespeare has kept a lot of actors in work for far too long, treading the boards with big balloon pants and billowing white shirts thinking they are up to something profound, rather than just making tits of themselves and boring the arses off of the groups of sixth formers forced to watch their plays when they would much prefer to be reading manga or playing Xbox or getting off with girls/boys.)


Anonymous said...

A tiresome rant, hhn; as smug as it is jejune.The Marlowe comment, however, is a hilarious, student-style example of pretentiousness - thoroughly in keeping with the continuing Smiths references.

A blog is a perfect place for a well-honed harangue but if the best you can do is this witless, puerile diatribe perhaps you'ld be better off telling your readers about your trip to Denmark.

hhn said...

Agreed. I will remove Marlowe thumb from ass,and get back to the real world..
..I saw two red pandas in Denmark.
(Although, a bit harsh for 9.28 on a Tuesday from you, particularly as you hide in your anonymous state.)

Anonymous said...

Gosh, what ready humility!
(I wonder if your wife still thinks I'm a c@*t... I rather suspect she does...)

Anonymous said...

While I couldn't agree more about the pretentiousness of the Marlowe comment, I don't see that the Smiths references are pretentious. They're funny, that's all. Just imagine you've got a sense of humour, Anon.

Anonymous said...

Fair enough, The Waunch but perhaps they've been going on a while.
Anyway, can we have more about red pandas, hhn?

hhn said...

I do believe this is the very Rod Panda I saw


Anonymous said...

"The red panda, an animal which exists exclusively on a diet of bamboo, can be found in the foothills of the Himalayas and in the tropical jungles of south western China, apart from a pair which live just outside the Danish town of Dark. They are known in Danish as Rodbastadz, and they live on rollmop herring and aquavit." From hhn's Wonderful World of Animals

Anonymous said...

Madam B here, welcome back Bottom.

Agreed, bit of a naff rant but we don't come here for quality - so not to worry.