Mar 27, 2008


Flattered as I am that the always-fragrant Madame B and hhn think that I could fill The Master’s boat-sized 16-hole oxblood Doc Martens, I’m in two minds about it. For starters, if I wanted to write a blog, I could have started my own long before now. The fact that I haven’t is due to a natural timidity, or modesty, which people who normally only see me when I’m in a socially enthusiastic mood – which, to be fair, is most evenings – might find difficult to believe.
But I don’t think I’m particularly egotistical. So I usually restrict my ranting to people who know me well enough not to care about it. And out of the five readers here, I’m afraid that that won’t work, and you’ll all peel off and not come back and hhn will never forgive me. My second reason for being chary about taking on hhn’s mantle is that the two of us work in rather different ways. He is a natural orator, a folksy, genial communicator. I’m more - I dunno – considered, detail-oriented.
The way this blog works is that hhn turns out 500 words of charming nonsense, Madame B manages to remind everyone that she has a clitoris, I point out how little hhn knows about a particular kind of mammal, and we’re all happy. I don’t know what you’d like me to write about if I tried to take over. Maybe if you suggested some subjects I could come up with something. Or not.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to Tumbleweed Central. Population: The Waunch

Anonymous said...

Madam B here, Well done Waunch, a very good scene setter. Seeing as you are a timid soul, my suggestions for an article would be something along the lines of: why authors are generally nobs; why two people can read the same words in a book and come out with a totally different meaning, and is there a God

By the way, my clitoris is called Mary. Maybe, I'll rename it the waunch.

Anonymous said...

just write a stream of consciousness - that's all hhn does surely?

Anonymous said...

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