Feb 13, 2008


...as I walked into work today, it was with a sense of deep calm and relaxation (helped I might add by the 150 lengths I swam last night with the news goggles), it was deeply pleasing to see men with THAT look on their face, and women with that OTHER look on their face. For, people, unlike said men and women, I have - for once - actually got it together to get mrs househusbandnot a Valentine's Day present. Not for me those last minute male feelings of `what the fuck should i get i still don't know which restaurant she wants to go to god those roses are a bit bloody expensive bloody valentine's day commercial rip off what did she mean by no need to go to any trouble just get me what you want can i get away with an expensive card i bet all the girls in her office get loads of flowers and stuff and its soooo unfair and and [looks at hot girl in street] she's hot, and and and ...' Or indeed those female feelings of `he'll get it together [contented love sigh]'.

Smug? Moi? Organised? That's me. (As to whether or not mrs househusbandnot will actually like what I bought her remains to be seen. But I hope she will see the time and effort and lurve I put into buying her three small tokens of my deep and sincere love for her. [Not withstanding her telling one of her colleagues that I was pretty happy with what I had bought her, and her colleague saying "So what album does he want at the moment then?"])

And restaurants? I am happy - very happy - to report that I may get my ass whipped pretty much every other day of the year for not ever booking restaurants, but mrs hhn hates going out for supper on Valentine's Day (my wife rocks).

And, I also took the long term punt on asking mrs hhn to marry me on Valentine's Day, so I get added...er lurve points for that every 14 Feb too.

(Somehow, some way, I know I am going to regret having written this. If you thought the laminator was an odd present. Will report back tomorrow. )

In other news re: 'I don't get it - you say that you may have cracked one of the high-stress areas of your life, then limply say that you've bought yet another pair of goggles, which may or may not be OK. If that's cracking something, I'd hate to meet your idea of a lame-ass half-hearted attempt at something. Devo rock!' Bugger off you nobber. And mrs hhn is on your case about unsupportive and nasty comments on hhn too dude. You have been warned. And she knows who you are.


Anonymous said...

what the feck, can I not sign in as Madam B anymore.

Anyway, you better not have got me some stinky feckin' laminator like you did for Xmas !

Anonymous said...

Dear agony hhn, so this proposing on valentine's day lark - worth the risk? romantic as hell? ultra-lame-o-cheese-tastic? would you do it again, if you weren't convinced about the answer, like?

Anonymous said...

How long does 150 lengths take? Are they 25m lengths? That's pretty impressive! How fast could u swim 16 lengths (400m) ? I need to break 10 mins but cant

Anonymous said...

Madam B here, ahh HHN, that was sweet, I'm mightily touched by your gift, I even went red when I got to reception and they had this parcel for me, so sexy big boy - thanks

Anonymous said...

"Bugger off you nobber" ??? Dude, that's a bit harsh isn't it? Are you annoyed because I suggested you don't like music? It was only a joke, chuffer. Blimey...