Jan 24, 2008


Point taken from Zagazoo (get you mr/mrs new reader and commentator) re the relative relevance and pertinence of my news feeds. mrs househusbandnot has agreed to my request for her to wear a dog's leash for the weekend, and I am only going to talk in dog all weekend too. Thanks for the suggestion.

As to the other comments yesterday:

Madame B? What can I say? I like your loyalty. I like your tenacity. It's your personality I am struggling with.

Anonymous aka The Waunch? More on animals? I was trying that with the crocodile and dog translator news pieces. I can report that mrs hhn and I are seriously considering getting a dog this summer. Although mrs hhn wants a Bison Frisee. I'm kinda cool - as in lukewarm - about this choice of breed, mostly because I will look like a monster gayer walking around with a dog like that. I was thinking something a little less like a San Francisco Gay Men's Choir's mascot. The discussion continues (although mrs hhn assures me I agreed to the choice over Xmas [probably after a few kilos of her mother's trifle when my vision was less than clear]). Any suggestions for what breed of dog would befit mr and mrs hhn welcome. (I grew up with Samoyeds, but they really are too thick and interbred - like a hairy Hapsburg - to be a serious option in London, or anywhere. And should we be getting a dog when we are in London anway?)

And I am a little concerned about mrs hhn's capacity with animals, based - in some small way - on her reaction to our wormery. Loyal hhn readers will recall that mrs hhn ordered the wormery and took one look at it on its arrival and fled from the room. Worms are worms I know. But...well whatever.

In other news, am happy to report that it is Thursday, which is my Friday.


Anonymous said...

Well, well HHN, that's hardly going to increase your readership is it? My persoanlity if you must know, is as warm as my fanny.

Anyway, dogs. (No "wisecracks" please - I already have one).

In London you should not have a dog - simple as that. It may be good exercise for you but think of the shame it will bring on the dog. Tramping around the streets tethered to a big lardy mut of a thing. No don't do it. The dog will not forgive you and be embarrassed among his peers.

In the country get a Labrador. This is a man's dog.

Anonymous said...

Have to confess I had to look up photo of a bison frise - still recovering - not sure it will accessorise well with mace and scowl.

And a slight concern that has me backing for the blogdoor:

"Just five minutes, Worm, your Honour, him and me alone. Baaaaaabe!" (The Trial - The Wall).
"Who was fitted with collar and chain?" (Dogs - Animals)
I have a niggling unease that you're living your virtual life through a series of Pink Floyd lyrics. And that smacks of serial killer. Or is it me.... oh christ...

Anonymous said...

what does zagazoo mean big boy and how'dyou get the name?

Anonymous said...

Please, please, hhn, get a bichon frise. I can't think of *anything* that would look funnier. I'm wiping tears of laughter from my eyes just thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

It's also worth pointing out, in terms of unreliable animal stuff, that a Bison Frisee sounds more like a buffalo salad than a dog.

Anonymous said...

Excellent anon - salad on a chain, the noughties' soap on a rope? You're right, hhn really needs to get that dog.

Madam B - Zaga was a groundbreaking satirical Turkish TV show, and the Zaga Zoo was one of its best-loved sketches featuring a family of zoophilic midgets. I wanted to provide a kind of homage to that.

Anonymous said...

Zagazoo, were they randy midgets?

Anonymous said...

Madam B: Oooooh oh oh yeah baby. And when I say zoophilic, I don't mean they wanted to stroke a bichon frise every now and then. They zigged them ungulates and marsupials good and proper.

I suppose I shouldn't be encouraging you. hhn, please moderate if necessary.

Anonymous said...

Bichon frise
how totally pretentious and social climbing can you get?
How many of those did you meet in Nantwich?
Dogs in London.... are any of you home all day, they are like children, they need constant companionship.
I cant believe you would be so wicked as to leave one in that place all day.
Children are easier, you can get nannies for them.
Why dont you just get pregnant?