Jul 16, 2007

Dizzy London

For reasons I will not go into, I found myself wandering around The Cabinet War Rooms Museum in Whitehall on Sunday morning. (Well, I will go into it. My in laws were coming to London, and they'd said that they had wanted to visit this museum. When this plan was proposed last week, I saw it as an opportunity for me to slope off to the gym while mrs househusbandnot and her folks went to the museum. After a long talking to from mrs hhn re me never doing anything that I don't want to do, me not being prepared to go to places that I don't want to go to, my in laws wanting to see me, me being general scum-bag of the earth etc etc etc, I...er...went to the Cabinet War Rooms Museum with my in laws and my wife on Sunday. Not the sort of thing I would normally elect to do of a Sunday, but there was not much of an election process about it. More of a three line whip.)

Actually, the museum was pretty interesting in a WW II, bunkery way. There was quite a good Winston Churchill Museum within the War Rooms Museum, which had a load of stuff about the houses Churchill lived in during his life, stuff on his poodle Rufus, a movie of his state funeral etc., which kept us entertained, before coming back home and having a BBQ in the threatening rain on our roof terrace. As is always the case, the more time I spend with my in laws the less I understand them. But I take solace in the fact that I know the feeling is entirely the same for them. We are getting by, although my suggestion that mrs hhn and I go and live by a loch in Scotland didn't go down to well. My father in law said he had only just worked out where South London was, and had no intention of letting his daughter further off his radar.

Not a lot else to report today. It was really hot and close in London today. Everyone in my office went uncharacteristically quiet around 11 am, and didn't come out of their/our respective fugs until about 4 pm - which meant we got a lot of work done, rather than the usual nattering and bolloxing around with which we are quite capable of wasting a whole day's 'work'.

Happy to report that - thanks to *&^ again - I have secured two more tickets to see Prince while he is over, this time for one of his after show gigs the week before we actually go and see him do a normal pre-after show gig. So I get to see him twice while he is over here, which is fitting because I am possibly the biggest Prince fan of all time, except for maybe Prince himself.

In unrelated news, bought a new dvd player last week, got bored on the bus on the way home, and left remote for same dvd player on same bus having opened up the box to take a look at my new purchase. mrs hhn has awarded me the Honourable Order Of Biggest Tit On Planet Class III for this behaviour. (If only she knew about the fuck ups I don't tell her about. I'd be a Field Marshall by now.)

That's it I think, on this sticky London evening. mrs hhn has gone to a networking event - whatever that may be. Me? I'm going for the cold bath, cold drink option, and an idle hour or so listening to The Young Marble Giants. (blokewhowasrightaboutbuyingoldmusic, they sound as sweet and dumb and great as they did when I listened to them a couple of decades ago. Good tip. Thanks.)

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