Mar 7, 2007

Me? Homophobic?

Someone was asking yesterday if I had a problem with gays or lesbians? No, of course not. One of my best friends is gay (he says rather weakly).

I was just dissing gay men and women yesterday because of the whole swimming pool thing. (Actually, I have no evidence that the women I am dissing at the swimming pool are gay. They are merely: better swimmers than me, have an attitude, and hike their swimming costumes around their bodies with a little less grace, other women. And they are quite often quite hairy under the arms.) With the gay men, it is again some jealousy that they are better swimmers than I am. But I do also find the whole cruising thing at pools a bit intrusive. Does that make me homophobic? I really don't know. The other day I was caught in the cross fire of two geezers trying to eye each other up in the pool changing rooms. It didn't make me not like gay people. It was just something going on that I thought should be going on somewhere else. (Does being uptight automatically qualify me for a homophobe card?)

I guess more liberal people than me would argue that homosexuals have fewer places than breeders to meet and get it on. So they use what places they can to do their thing. I guess the fact that I also happen to frequent those places (swimming pools and swimming pool changing rooms) should make me more tolerant of the whole cruising deal. But it doesn't. I go to swimming pools to swim, not to try and get off with people.

I'm thinking aloud here, and wondering if I find it as annoying when straight people flirt with each other at pools? Yes, I do. So, I'm not homophobic. Just uptight. I love blogging. It can really sort out those important issues of the day.

In other news, having the Waunch over for supper tonight. Have had cowboy gear dry cleaned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm hhn

"I go to swimming pools to swim, not to try and get off with people."

So are you saying that there is a place to go especially for 'breeding'. I go to a bar to drink. I go to the veggie patch to cultivate, I go to work to earn money. Hmm, very regimented aren't we. Definitely a repressed homosexual in the making