Mar 9, 2007

Awaiting Proofing

So my little exercise worked yesterday. If you put nasty words in your blog, you get nasty advertising. (Incidentally, I disagree with blokewho's problem with me associating christian evangelism with right wing politics, but I may be a little biased having spent quite a lot of time researching the pro-life movement in a different life - mine, not theirs. [I also wasted five minutes of my life yesterday reading about how much this current Pope disapproved of his predecessor's decision to go on stage with Bob Dylan a while ago. Don't Popes have more important things to be worrying about? Maybe not. And I guess they think they are infallible, so whatever they say goes. I wonder if the Pope blogs. He should. He'd be good on the self-validation side of things. ])

Yesterday also saw Styx trundling back into househusbandnot comment land with his dictates about commas. He and W'aunch should set up a course called 'Punctuation For Chuffers'. I think blokewho has already offered his (full) colon services in the first coffee break after Waunch's three hour presentation on why we should love semi-colons.

Actually, Waunch was over here for supper the other night, and he confessed to me that he feels that his public image on hhn is not what it ought to be. He has asked me to share the following about him: he is capable of drinking a bottle of Venezuelan whisky, and then playing a Led Zeppelin song of your choice on the guitar. This is actually true. I saw him do it the very first time I met him. It kind of made me want to be his friend.

Not a vast amount going on here today - well there is, but it is mostly about the real world and me trying to get a whole load of writing done for that publishing company I may have mentioned I was doing some work for this month. And fighting - very hard -to figure out how to send automated newsletters out to people from that website I work on. And waiting for someone to deliver a report that they want me to proof. (Waunch falls off rocking chair in shock that anyone would want me to proof anything.)

mrs hhn is on a three day course on how people believe stuff, or something like that. She says she can't really tell me too much about it until she finishes the course on Saturday afternoon. So I guess I can look forward to a weekend of her trying out her new spooky skills on me. It is one of the entertainments of being married to a restless self-improver. I particularly enjoyed the weekend a while back when I was used as a target for her new found skill of shooting bolts of energy at people. It worked too, although my reciprocal jumping out of a cupboard at mrs hhn didn't go down too well. (Hey, you work with the tools you've got I guess.)

Incidentally, Crufts on BBC2 was great last night. Random fact: one of my mother's first ever jobs was to hunt down the winner of Crufts the day after the event and try and convince them to say their dog ate a certain dog food. Her boss never spoke to anyone because he was too busy writing a first draft of what eventually became The New Avengers. My dad looked a bit like Steed...

....blah, blah, blah. I could go on for ages today. But won't. I know it is just a distraction from the work I need to be getting on with.

Have a nice weekend hhn x


Anonymous said...

I think the Waunch would probably fall 'off' his rocking chair...ironically enough.

Anonymous said...

that would be 'cocking rare'!