Nov 15, 2006

Broccoli Man

In response to the comment yesterday about guest spots on househusbandnot, no I am not going to ask mrs househusbandnot to do one, but I was thinking yesterday that Broccoli Man (you know who you are) should get a chance to have his say. As far as I can tell he/you 1) has/have been reading househusbandnot for a while, and 2) is/are getting annoyed that I have started editing/not including some of his/your comments. Dude, you're up.Send me your post for any day you want in the coming week, and I'll post it on househusbandnot. (Send me your email address as a comment to the blog - I won't share it with anyone else - so that I can send you my email for where you should send your copy. It's kind of a cyber I'll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours.) If I don't hear from you by next Wednesday, I will assume you don't want this opportunity to share your world thoughts with the vast (hem hem) househusbandnot readership. Your choice dude.

While in such a magnanimous mood (It is pretty easy to give away a little part of nothing), blokeihaventseeninages the offer is out to you too. As a loyal reader and commentator, I feel you deserve it. You've got my email.

(househusbandnot clicked the publish post button on his PC and moved from his heavy mahogany desk to look out of the floor to ceiling windows of his Thames penthouse. Smoothing a tiny crease from his Hermes tie - a gift from David Cameron - he stood and looked across the London skyline and down onto the streets where insect-like commuters where hurrying to their offices.

For a man who had so much, it felt good to be giving the common man a piece of the action. His finance people had said it was a bad idea, that guest posts might affect his market lead. His marketing people had muttered about Bono's guest editorial at The Independent. But househusbandnot was not a man used to listening to caution and fears about what other people had not achieved. He knew he was doing the right thing. He knew that he must give other people the chance - if only for one day - to say what they thought about the penguin/badger wars. Idly, he wondered if any one of those scurrying commuters down on the London street was Broccoli Man, a person whose life was about to change forever. If people wanted user driven content, then that is what he would let Broccoli Man give them.

househusbandnot moved back to his desk, and punched the intercom. "Miss Goodbody, can you get me a secure line through to our people at Google. And tell Mr Gates and Mr Murdoch I'll be down for their presentation in a few minutes." )


Anonymous said...

SO has broccoli man been in touch, or is he hiding his light under his bushel?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, bring it on Mr B.

hhn said...

And they waited, and waited...a.n.d w.a.i.t.e.d...

Anonymous said...

Is broccoliman's ID known to you, hhn? I can't quite work out the reason for your previous grovelling apology following what seemed to me a perfectly reasonable tirade.

hhn said...

No, I don't know who he is. I do know he has a girlfriend or wife. That he gets into work pretty early somewhere in the UK. And that he is older than me by a few years. (I have a pretty good idea about where he works, but that would be idle chat, or just me wrong on the traffic and server checking thing I have here at hhn HQ.)

My apology? He sent a sweet comment the other day after I told him to *&*^ off about the fact that he was just commenting back to hhn because he was bored and could not get through to his "missus" on the phone - a place we have all been.

And mrs hhn and I were sitting on the sofa the other night, and she said that I should be nicer to him, just as I was thinking that I should ask him to guest blog hhn. (Not that we don't have a life or anything.)

And looking forward to your guest blog too.

Anonymous said...

You english dudes. So up yr own ass about yr own idendity :)

Anonymous said...

You do know that Broccoli man is not the girl who sent you the idea for a guest blog right? Just want to make sure your Bigbrother machiney thing working OK. Cos I sent the Guest blog idea and none of the Broccoli comments.

hhn said...

I knew you were different people, but I thought the comments on guest blogging were from someone (a bloke) I know.
Re my machiney thing see tomorrow's blog.

Anonymous said...

Ahem. Broccoli man is still away but has seen your post. He'll be back in the middle of next week and will take up your challenge. Hey who'd a thought he'd be a 'hotblogger'. Ahem, Give me a theme if you want and I will pass it on to his security team for approval. He'll send the article by the end of the week if his demands have been met.

Anonymous said...

There is only one true Broccoli Man and it is not the woman who calls herself Broccoli Man. The female Broccoli Man may be a fan. Broccoli Man lives at You can view his appearance on the Food Network (however brief) as well as his unaired non-appearance. He has also met George W Bush and Jesse Ventura (see the news footage on the web site) and has been interviewed on radio stations across the US and appeared in three magazines in three countries. He has some videos on YouTube:

Check it out! Of course I'm sure the REAL Broccoli Man would be happy to supply you with an article. He is running for President in 2008!