Oct 23, 2006

househusbandnot 2.0

"I'm not sure that Eel Man is right about getting out more. Obviously I speak as someone who can't make it to the corner shop without medication but I do think there's something to be said for festering in one's own squalor - a jaundiced Weltanschauung leads to much more entertaining reading than the clear-eyed, carefully considered opinions of the smug man/woman about town whose pseudo-objective judgments are so often a covert form of dreary self-regard. Fuck 'em. And stay indoors."

An interesting response from one househusbandnot regular reader after yesterday's thoughts on another reader feeling that I should get out more often. To be or not to be in? Or out, actively seeking stories for househusbandnot. I was talking to a photographer friend of mine recently, who said that he only really gets great photos when he goes out looking for them. Kind of kills any spontaneity angle to his art, but I guess you get what you get.

Speaking of people who definitely do need to get out more, I had another email about househusbandnot yesterday - hey people, we 've almost got ourselves a chat room going here at househusbandnot HQ - asking if I had ever noticed how many British murderers are named after biscuits - Carr, Huntley and Palmer, McVitie etc. Er, that would be a no. End of that chat then, unless someone wants to link us through to biscuits@murder.freak.com

And speaking of websites, I am doing some research for a new website. (In typical website start up style, I can't say what it is because it is such a b. rilliant idea it is going make a kertrillion pounds for all of us involved in it.) But it is interesting - well not very interesting at all actually - trawling through the vast amounts of endless selling and pitching and static PR that most websites still appear to be. Where's Web 2.0? I'm still drowning in Web 1.0 with its promises to me of instant cash and refound school friends and warehouses full of cheap viagra and free pictures of first time amateurs and a free ipod and free text messages to my blender. I still don't see much of this promised Web 2.0 conversation and interaction that is supposed to be going on in www. land, just selling and more selling.

But always eager to follow a trend, I have changed my name to househusbandnot 2.0 today, and expect the same from all other bloggers. From now on - repeat after me - we bloggers promise:

1) to get out more
2) to stay in more if it is going to make us more interesting and fine tune our Weltanschauung (I had to look it up too)
3) to hold back on the photos of cats in clothes
4) not to think that just because we felt something that it actually happened, and is therefore worthy of mention in our blogs
5) not to mention how much we still hate Michael Winner
6) never to start a post with "She stiiiillll hasn't called" or "Hey I finally got a digital camera. Check out this photo of me looking into a mirror." or "Here's a photo of Minxy dressed as Dolly Parton. Cute, huh?"
7) to post a maximum of ONE photo of our children a decade
8) not to keep complaining about those two guys at You Tube
9) to be as creative in our writing as we are robust with our self-validation
10) and to stop writing lists

hhn 2.0 x (note the friendly, interactive, conversation-inducing 'x' sign off)


Anonymous said...

11) To credit those we quote.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous didn't say it. Shithead said it. This Post a Comment thing is malfunctioning.

Anonymous said...

That's more like it.