Sep 21, 2006

Other People

In the spirit of curbing househusbandnot's recent wanderings into introspection, I spent some time yesterday reading other people's blogs to see what househusbandnot might be missing/needing/stealing etc. This exercise was also in part to exorcise a little blog demon that has been sitting on my shoulder lately telling me to post photos of my holidays, tell you more about mrs househusbandnot, and or just do lists of things I love/hate/eat/read/listen to/remember from when I was five years old - all illegal blogging activities as you will know if you have a copy of Househusbandnot: The Rules Of Blogging Made Simple.

But looking at other people's blogs is not an educational process. Unlike most other things on earth, except for going out with people, the more you do it the less you understand. Having searched for 'house husband' on blogster, I delved into a world of sad women, much sadder men, frustrated housewives (not in the porno way), innocent fools, and dull - and I mean really really dull - individuals writing very badly about their very dull days. (I'm talking "Hey check out the photo of me in a dress in Egypt. Don't tell the missus" with a photo of some bloke in a caftan, or "One thing is for certain: after buying the food tonight, looking after myself for 5 days, putting the rubbish out on Monday morning, and everything else that I've got to remember before she comes home on Tuesday, if I don't already realise how lucky I am to be married to her, I surely will now ", and "We are house hunting. Trouble is my husband and I have TOTALLY different ideas about where we want to live." [Actually I am quite interested in this last one to see how it pans out.])

I was getting really depressed about all this anodyne crap out there in the name of house husbandry and blogs, but then I struck some pure American redneck gold with a blog called Generation X-Pose It is written by some mad neo-fascist woman from Colorado who has taken the self-validation of blogging to a whole new dimension.

With God as her only true guide, her views on 'How to be a good Democrat (or Republican)' include:

"You have to believe that Mel Gibson spent $25 million of his own money to make The Passion of the Christ for financial gain only."

"You have to believe that Hillary Clinton is normal and is a very nice person."

"You have to believe that the only reason socialism hasn't worked anywhere it's been tried is because the right people haven't been in charge." (It took me a while to get this one.)


"You have to believe that homosexual parades displaying drag, transvestites, and bestiality should be constitutionally protected, and manger scenes at Christmas should be illegal."

She tells us all about the fact that "many homosexuals encounters occur while drinking, high on drugs, or in an orgy setting", and that if you are homosexual you are 19 times more likely to die in a traffic accident. (She doesn't specify whether or not this happens on the way to or on the way back from any given orgy setting.) She demands to know which side you are on. Apparently the real tell tale sign is that they (the left) hug trees while we (her and her right wing gang) want to cut trees down because they are a sustainable resource. There is a heart-felt piece about her convertion to homophobia, and much much more - including, and I promise that I am not making this up, a discussion with someone who reminded her that she used to be a lesbian.

I absolutely disagree with everything this maniac says, and am genuinely alarmed about the - I admit unlikely - prospect of even coming across her husband who produces a self-published magazine which has a strap line of 'Words Are Weapons'. But her blog was more interesting than most of the other blogs I read yesterday, in a terrifyingly way.

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