Jul 25, 2006

Home Alone VII

I had the evening to myself last night. Which was good, but got bad. On the good side, I spent the beginning of the evening tootling around, listening to some music, eating peanuts, re-watching The Fifth Element (Am I the only person who got really excited that The Sixth Sense was going to a sequel?) and enjoying a glass or two of wine. (househusbandnot singing to self: "Check me out. Being normal. When my wife's out. Eating peanuts and drinking wine. Multi-pass.") But then I had another glass of wine and decided to do some decorating. ("Check me out. Still being normal. Normal people. They decora-aate.")

The evening went/spiralled into something like this:

7.30pm Hmmm. I think I'll paint one of the bedroom walls with that pot of Farrow And Ball Borrowed Light.

8.10pm Looks rubbish. Maybe the alcoves would look better in Pale Powder or Elephant's Breath. I'll try Pale Powder.

9.00pm No, that didn't work. Maybe I'll do the whole wall again in Borrowed Light.

10.00pm No, I was wrong. The alcoves looked better in Pale Powder.

11.00pm No. Maybe some Elephant's Breath. No focus. Focus. Just stick to the two colours.

12.00pm [and many many combinations of Pale Powder and Borrowed Light later] I wonder how many people have visited househusbandnot since I checked it 20 minutes ago. How come they never did make a sequel to The Fifth Element? Which wall did I just paint? I hate painting. How come Borrowed Light looks so like Pale Powder now? Borrowed Powder would be a good name for a heavy metal band. I'm lonely. Where is my wife? She would have stopped me from doing this. God, it looks a mess. Maybe if I hang a picture on the wall it won't look so bad.

Which I did, before collapsing on the sofa and hiding from the bedroom aka Jackson Pollock's studio for an hour. Thankfully my wife is back tonight.

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