Here in the UK, The Sun - like the Devil - has all the good lines. In response to the England goalkeeper Paul Robinson letting in a sitter against Croatia on Wednesday, they reacted on Thursday morning with 'Here's To You Misses Robinson'. In the summer when Elton John got married to his male partner they ran a front page with 'Elton Takes David Up The Aisle'. Apparently the headline writers get paid twice as much as anyone else at The Sun. It should be triple. (Attentive househusbandnot reader - and proof reader - The Waunch just read this and also offered The Sun on Korea's recent nuclear testing: 'Bad Korea Move' and also a link to more discussion on headlines.{And my mate Rem who used to live in Paris has just been on the email reminding me about one time in Paris - rather than bandcamp - when we picked up a copy of Le Monde with the front page headline of 'Unemployed To Strike Tomorrow'.})
In other news, I went to an achingly trendy private view last night where a mate was showing his stuff as part of a group show. In direct correlation to how pushy the bouncers were on the door and how annoying the woman was with her guest list and procrastination as to whether or not I might be granted the privilege of actually getting into the exhibition, most of the art was entirely talentless, except for my mate's stuff which looked really good. (Since I was as the show on my own, I actually looked at the stuff on show rather than at each other - which was what everyone else was up to.) Typically - and I don't want to sound like too much of an old *&^% here - the exhibition organisers' website is under construction so I can't give you a link to go judge for yourselves. But you can see my mate's stuff in the shop here.
Photos, links... househusbandnot is almost dragging itself into this decade today - graphically anyway. Which reminds me. I have a meeting next week about helping someone out with a new website. So I've been checking out a load of sites this week, and have a few househusbandnot rules about website graphics:
1) Never have a picture of a bald man with his thumbs in the air on your front page.
2) Unless you are a porn site, don't have any moving images on your site. (Actually especially if you are a porn site.)
3) Don't put a picture of a frog on a leaf on your site. You may think it suggests generation and evolution and creative thinking, but it's just a frog on a leaf dude.
4) A picture of you sitting behind a desk is not interesting - unless you are good looking and naked and famous and standing in front of the desk.
5) And don't use more than two fonts. It isn't design. It's called the 6th form newsletter.
Right, I'm done for the week - here anyway. I am off to check out an ethical jobs recruitment fair today. What that is remains to be seen, but will report back next week.
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