But two or three people have said to me this week that they (only really) enjoy househusbandnot because they know me. Which does beg the question about those of you who read househusbandnot who don't know anything at all about me, other than that I have an internet connection and too much time on my hands right now and that I obviously like the sound of my own voice. Which does get you thinking about blogging in the abstract - and detail - and whether or not you should be writing about your life or other people's lives or politics or sex or just finding those comedy dog photos.
I'm thinking that some of this identity stuff is because I have been seeing and getting in contact with people about work, and taking on different personas depending on who I was talking to/contacting. Monday I was emaily hi there how you doing person. Tuesday I was coffees with various people and please give me some work. Wednesday I was...well my first meeting was cancelled, and then I was a board member at an AGM - sounds important, was very dull. (On the way up to this meeting, I had quite a long chat with a headhunter while I was on a bus, which my fellow passengers and I could have done without.) And yesterday I went to see a couple of people with the idea of asking them for some work, but I decided that was too needy and proposed that we work together on tapping as yet untapped markets in what we do, so I guess I was being mr business ideas or something. And then I had lunch with a journalist friend of mine and we ended up talking about househusbandnot and how it was not really addressing some of the more interesting ideas around house husbands - like I said, she is a journalist.
And then last night I had a chat with an old friend and work contact who lives in New York, and he said "So what do you want to do this time? Is it about money, or you, or saving the world?" Very New York I know. But a good f(*&ing question.
Anyway, off for lunch with my mate Styx who always has a left-field take on identity and who we are. Will report back next week. But in the meantime...

1 comment:
I am enjoying hhn, a couple of suggestions. It's too anonymous, you often tempt with ideas of holiday pics etc but then don't. Also need to follow up some of the stories. Mrs hhn jury service ! what happened, good cases, boring case? Hopefully you dont have to relocate under new names because of jury nobbling etc. How about reveiwing some of the other newspapers as you have been so harsh on the Daily Mail? Latly I have a gr8 comedy dog pic, but cant work out how to send it on this format,will see if it can be put on web page.
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